Sunday, January 28, 2007

Organic AND local?

According to a post on Treehugger, the Soil Association (one of the UK's organic certification bodies) is considering adding shipping to their list of considerations to determine whether or not something is organic. In this instance, they are considering removing the organic label from any produce that air freighted on the idea that the pollution created to ship the organic produce all those miles eliminates any benefit of having grown it organically in the first place. I wonder if the USDA could be so enlightened? (HA! Not a chance if Wal*Mart, unWholeFoods, EdenFarms, and the like have their way would be my guess. Just think of it--what would unWholeFoods do if it couldn't ship organic garlic from China to New York?!?).

Still, it is good to see someone thinking more about the organic label. Organic, at least in the US, has come to mean nothing more than "chemical-free" (and not always that), and any sense of the original local, sustainable, and small, that the organic movement first had have disappeared.

A digression: my food today? Local bread--as in out of my own oven local.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

An excellent post. I definitely agree with you that “organic, at least in the US, has come to mean nothing more than ‘chemical-free.’” Sad, but true. Ditto, your posting on “UnWhole Foods.”

I hope you will want to listen to (and also possibly link to) The Keeper, Inc.'s exciting online audio interview of's Simran Sethi, at (The Keeper, Inc., by the way, is the manufacturer of the environment-friendly reusable menstrual cups, The Keeper and Moon Cup.)

Simran, who is fast becoming a shining "eco-star" (she has recently appeared on the Martha Stewart Show and the Oprah Show!) gave a really informative and lively interview. Do check it out! I think you’ll enjoy listening to it.

AND, to learn about Simran’s (and Treehugger’s) upcoming television series, to be aired on the Sundance (TV) channel, take a look at this press release at

All very exciting stuff.

Thanks very much for your excellent blog!
Julia Schopick
The Keeper, Inc.

4:50 PM  

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